
Car Accident Facts

13,000 people have been injured or killed since 1990 in crashes caused by aggressive driving. If you have been a victim of aggressive driving, click here to tell us about your case. Every 30 minutes, someone in this country dies in an alcohol-related automobile crash....

Criminal Defense Facts

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reports estimated that in 2002 there were a total of 1,538,800 state and local arrests for drug violations in the United States. If you are one of the many facing drug charges this year, it is imperative that you...

The Role of the Grand Jury in Drug Cases

The Fifth Amendment mandates that charges for all capital and “infamous” crimes be brought by an indictment returned by a grand jury. The Amendment has been interpreted to require an indictment to charge all federal felonies, including federal drug charges unless a...

Proving Fault in Slip and Fall Accidents

These guidelines will help you determine who is responsible if you slip or trip and fall on someone else’s property. Many thousands of people are injured each year – some very seriously – when they slip or trip and fall on a dangerous floor, a flight of stairs or a...

Federal Drug Charge Issues

The United States judicial system is divided into state and federal courts. Whether a person accused of a drug-related crime is prosecuted in the federal or state criminal system depends on what laws were violated and the policies and procedures of each court system....

No-Fault Insurance

The laws of the state in which the accident occurs determine who pays for the damages from an automobile accident. Basically, in a no-fault insurance state, fault is not placed on either party, and each driver generally submits a claim to his or her own insurance...

Car Accident Injuries and Compensation

Generally, an individual injured in an automobile accident may bring a claim or lawsuit to recover the actual expenses associated with property damage and medical costs, economic damages, and emotional and physical pain and suffering. Litigation involving motor...

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorists

Many drivers ignore motor vehicle insurance requirements, cannot afford to purchase insurance or carry insufficient insurance. Uninsured motorist coverage is a form of insurance that pays for bodily injury that results from an accident with a driver who is legally...

Proudly serving the counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Warren, Lincoln, Franklin, Montgomery, Pike, Boone, Audrain, and surrounding areas.

St. Peters: 636.397.2411
Columbia: 573.818.2083

14 Richmond Center Ct
St Peters, MO 63376


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